Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I thought this blog should be given a decent closure sorts here...rather than leaving it abruptly, as a disgrace...
We failed in our mission this time= cud not get the best man for the job...
but this initiative has certainly been a learning experience for all those who have been involved in it..even remotely....
at least it initiated many of us into thinking...
we were perhaps not as well equipped this time, n maybe we had to face more cynicism n hurdles coz of the fact that we were just two undergrad girls working "on our own"..
But Of course, lessons have been learnt... precious ones at that!!

n the next time-- wenever tht shud be... Ignited Indian Minds will be here again... hopefully
better equipped, and better placed to achieve OUR goal-- (PS. note, the office of the president is not the IIMs' only concern...)...
I am not sure Ashish, if those tactics for drawing media attention tht certain ppl-been there, done it alls- suggested were the only way out(self immolation attemps, water canons n what not)- wud be the method employed even then...
We will do it our way... n someday, hopefully we will make ourselves heard---well next time, we are going to be louder for sure...

and congratulations ALL of u (no "thank u", of course, u no why..... )
we all tried... and you guyz were all really a source of strength!!!
u= all the other IIMs ...
Will put up this silly thing I came up with the other day...swayed by emotions... *Kanchan , u were pretty callous abt it , but nevermind..*

"IIMs will never die,
next time, if not this year..
on that note, I raise a toast,
here, have some butterbeer :) "

Signing off... the spark-is-still-there-somehow-- Shruti

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