Monday, May 14, 2007

Why this Clarion call?All for a "rubber stamp"

Let's face it:The occupant of the Rashtrapati bhawan does not get to make policies for the country, he cannot even "command" the government to abstain from exploiting the Indian Public,( which they invariably do)...he is a mere stamp-the titular head,n yet, a bill passed by the parliament cannot becum a law if he refuses to sign it----he can sit on it for years n the Politicians can merrily pull their hair out, for all they want--it shall remain a BILL- nothing beyond that! SO you see, The President Of India cannot DO much himself, but he can certainly "prevent" the VANDALS who are our elected representatives,from "doing" things that go against the interests of the Public- he can certainly regulate the amount of damage done... Of course, it might not be much for many of us, but in that case why have the Office of President at all..why have we inherited this legacy from the British whererein the Quenn was the Titular Head, and the PM the Real one??? Why waste all this money(n trust me it is A LOT) for an office that is not granted enuff powers??Either, simply do away with the post n save on all that money or, if we still want to stick to it---at least make sure that u waste it on someone who u would like to be referred to as THE FIRST CITIZEN OF INDIA.Someone, who would dare to protect the sanctity of his Offie n cum to ur rescue when ur elected representatives have let u down, someone who would try to do his best withinn whatever powers he has been granted- And this is what APJ Kalam has done n has tried to do (with his share of mistakes)..he refused to sign the Office Of Profit bill among other things...This is what the then President should have done during the Emergency..People Of India, wake up, send a message across to the Parliament THAT WE CARE-- we shall not have any Tom,Dick Or Harry in the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Let your Preferences be known LOUD AND CLEAR..."Idealism" to a certain extent is good, n even desirable!!

make the most of whatever li'l idealism u have in your youth, u have ur entire old age to be cynical, practical , realist and fatalist---visit the link below and sign in your vote for starters...u r not obliging me, or nebody for that matter but doing urself a favour- next time on Valentines' Day, when u see youngsters being humiliated n manhandled in public by the self appointed moral police, n ur heart is crying whether Democracy has gone for a toss in India- just remember u had ur shot at making urself heard n chose to let it go... spread the word's the link.... ignited indian mind

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