Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Had a flashback….decided to archive it lest it gets lost in the plethora of anecdotes we have to share.Though of course..on the face of it they seem amusing~already in stitches shruti….?.ah!u must’ve guessed what am going to talk about from the title itself~…..”they”….refers to these “anecdotes”..yet…if we think of the orgy of DOUBLE-FACEism we as a nation are suffering from..they are enough to wipe off those thoughtless grins off our faces(or double faces,shall I say?).Oh!The anecdote……hmmmm….here it is..
In one of Baba Ramdev’s camps~~see mamma!!Baba’s on my blog!!God bless u for calling me/forcing me that day to watch that particular telecast of his camp~~ somewhere in Maharashtra…”honourable” Mr.Ex-C.M. Sushil Kumar Shinde had been invited as the guest of honour.Swami Ramdev spoke first..on sarvadharmasamabhava..n of course whatever he spoke…was from his heart and made sense too.But then!He invited Mr.Shinde on the dias…..Oooooh!I must say this..though it is a bit of an understatement,,still,,I’ll try__that was the most heart-rending,thought-provoking,tear-inducing and moving homily I ever heard on sarvadharmasamabhav….It began with how Swamiji has been propagating sarvadharmasamabhava(which is true)……then lo!! He jumped to jaativada and all jaatis are equal and jaati this and jaati that(which is a bit ahem ahem…were’nt we talking about sarvadharmasamabhav….Mr.Shinde…??oh! tut!tut! u ignorant child! We lily white politicians always do that…..glibtalk and blufftalk our way to high glory….right??)n then….!! He began his pathos-filled story of how he was/is a dalit…n how despite his being a dalit…..”iss Maharashtra hi janta ne ISS DALIT ko saraaha,support diya,pyaar diya…aur C.M. BANAYA!!…and it went on and on and on….DALIT DALIT DALIT……ME A DALIT..ME ADALIT..ME A DALIT..
I mean! Can u digest that??He begins with..sarvadharmasambhav…very cutely n conveniently forgets that….n jumps to jaativada……n talks about how we should not discriminate against any jaati and that they is no such thing as jaati…… and all jaatis are equal…….and after having said all THAT….he harps on the love n support given to “ISS DALIT”(……this dalit that means my dear inglissssss babus n angrezzzzzzi mems……)…..or if I remember right…..”isss bechare dalit”…..~~stop flaring ur nostrils shruti … n bhanu…u can stop shaking ur head now……the story’s over…..feel bad about subjecting u both to this torture the second time over…~~
How dastardly!!(Mis)using a yoga-camp and a divine concept like sarvadharmasamabhav….for …we all know what…
Err…why this entire discourse…on Sushil Kumar Shinde??(He is one of the candidates being put forward by Congress to be the next President-for those who came in late.Though there has not been much news of his candidature lately)
Well…..i had to answer ur question(about why I was “AFTER” s.k. shinde)..Mr.Mittal no.1……..
………..signing off……….”SHINDE”ed for today……

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